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I am already wide-eyed by dawn as I debate confronting the cold morning to accept a coffee and a Tasmanian sunrise. Deliberation takes less than 30 seconds before I slip my woollen socks into Australians have a reputation for being a sociable bunch, but we're spending more time alone than ever before. Experts say social media, living alone and a fashion for being busy is driving the trend. And welcome to another Sunday morning Guardian live blog.

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As Australians brace for a big jump in their power bills, what is behind the price hike and how should consumers navigate it? The NSW corruption watchdog has made a finding of serious corrupt conduct “While acne is most commonly associated with adolescence, a local study published in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology in 2019 has shown that approximately 41 per cent of adults,

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Google and Meta have already killed hundreds of journalism jobs—it's time for the Canadian government to stop playing nice. Russell, longtime baristas in Greenville, are opening a coffee shop called Daydrinkers in Sans Souci this summer.